Posted by: Jyemenai | 2009年09月08日


I’m sorry you guys! I’ve horribly neglected Acid&Chocolate for about a month now. I was able to find a way back to school (Norfolk State University, GO SPARTANS!) and because of it, just haven’t had the time like I used to have over the summer. However, I will try to do the occasional posts, but certain things probably won’t return (such as the translations of Jero, for now). Thanks for all the support so far!

Posted by: Jyemenai | 2009年08月19日

Kakuchi Kara Kotoba

各地から言葉 = Words from All Over

Well, I’d be lieing if I said this post didn’t start out as another PokemonGo segment, but then I wanted to make it BLEACH-centric. And because my brain can’t think of a “cool” name for the BLEACH segment, the entire thing gets renamed. Lol. So, this is the test-run of “Kakuchi Kara Kotoba” (I really don’t wanna use KKK as an acronym, LMFAO). The first three words are actually from Pokemon, but were all heard in Bleach after learning them.

Anyways, let’s begin…


to receive; to take (Kanji: 貰う)

This was one of the first words I encountered while playing Pokemon Gold in Japanese; it was presented to me when I received my PokeGear. Ever since, whenever I receive something (hence, the definition) I see something like 「ゴールドはきのみをもらった!」, which translates to “Gold received a berry!” [SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT!] Imagine my surprise when no more than a few days have passed, and while I’m watching Bleach (the episode where Chad and the ninja who creates walls from his attacks are fighting), the ninja hides in his own walls and, before surprising Chad, thinks 「もらった!!!」. I, of course, had to pause, rewind, and play it over a few times, then re-lookup もらう. That’s when I notice “to take” as well, and it all makes sense. In that sense, you could say the ninja was saying “Gotcha!”.


to jump out; to appear sudddenly (Kanji: 飛び出す)

I actually heard this word before I learnt it, just never knew what it meant. While playing Pokemon, whenever you encounter a Pokemon, it always says something like 「やせいのコラッタがとびだしてきた!」 (“A wild Koratta [Rattata] jumps out!”) After defining the word and adding it to my Anki, I go to watch some Bleach… and no it’s actually not in a Bleach episode… so far. lol I tend to like listening to opening/ending songs (which some of my friends don’t… and it confuses me), so I have all my good anime/tokusatsu songs downloaded. Chu-Bura, the opening intro for the Captian Amagai-arc, is one of my favorites, and after hearing the song, 「とびだったいける」 comes out loud and clear (something like “Go jump out!”, though I could be wrong, as いける slightly confuses me) .

Edit: I just downloaded “Blue Bird” by Ikimono Gakari, one of the openings to Naruto Shippuden… whaddya know? I hear とびだす. Lol. Just thought I’d share.


reason; pretext; motive (Kanji: 理由)

This is the last one that comes from Pokemon. I don’t remember where and when I heard this in Pokemon, I just know it’s on my list of words to remember from that game. It wasn’t a particular difficult word to remember, just kinda random (to me). But now I think I’ll always remember it, now that I’ve heard it being used. [SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT!] In an episode I just finished watching (somewhere around 184), Renji is trying to explain why he’s trying to stop the Captain from following his orders, explaining how he knows Rukia and Ichigo the best and that there must be a reason why they’re doing what they’re doing. The word slipped past me at first, but when my brain caught up, I had to rewind and listen again. After a slight pause from Renji, he used 「りゆう」 loud and clear, and I think I smiled. ^_^ I would give the whole sentence, but I think it’s a long one… Lol.


to request; to beg; to ask; to call; to order; to reserve; to entrust to; to rely on

Finally! I’m not sure where I learnt this word from. There’s a chance it was Pokemon, but it’s not on my list. The chances are greater for me having learnt it from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, in which I heard 「たのむぞ!」 just yesterday. Anyways, in the same episode I heard 「りゆう」, by the same person, in the SAME conversation, Renji says 「たのむ!」. I was a little lost, as the subbers translated it as “Please!”, but after remembering not everything is so literal, I changed the “Please” to “I beg of you”, which still fits, and the use of “Please” was understood. I believe in the episode prior to the one I’m referring to, たのむ was used by Ichigo-tachi when they were in the sewers, as well, and in that situation it was translated/understood to mean “I’m counting on you.”


”It’s none of your business/concern; This doesn’t concern you” (Kanji: 関係ない)

FINALLY. I pure Bleach word. Bleach seems to be famous for this word/phrase, as I’ve heard it almost every 2-5 episodes since I started watching the subs. The first time I sat down and listened to it, however, was when Orihime dissapeared. When Ichigo goes back to the school, Tatsuki tries to convince Ichigo to tell her where she is. Only Ichigo’s mouth is shown, and you hear 「お前には…かんけいないよ」 (“This doesn’t concern you”)… which is followed by an award-winning punch. Ever since then, I’ve heard mainly Ichigo use it, but a few others every once in a while.

I think that’s is for Kakuchi Kara Kotoba for today. I’ll try to do a more Bleach-centric post, and then some tokusatsu one day! お楽しみに!

Posted by: Jyemenai | 2009年08月16日

Three past-due Jero posts



Title:The ChakuUta has Begun!
Body: The downloading for TsumeAto has begun! By using Chaku-Uta Full1, you can hear the full version of the song! If you cannot wait for the release date, please utilize the resources here.

And now, TsumeAto will make it’s first television debut on September 6th on TV Tokyo, on “Yoko’s Enka Straight Line (洋子の演歌一直線 )” (5:45-6:15am). If you remember, “UmiYuki”’s television debut was on the same show. Look forward to this time, too!

爪跡 PV もうすぐ公開です!

Title: The TsumeAto PV Will be Released Very Soon!
Body: The PV for Jero’s TsumeAto is set to be released after August 14th! Feel free to view the preview of “TsumeAto”, what we believe to be a romantic movie. The protagonist is horrible at falling in love with another, and despite being lost in the fairytale-like space, two unite to confirm their love… Actually, we’ll leave the rest of the story to you all! Stay tuned!



Title: TsumeAto’s PV is to be released today!
Body: Jero’s long-awaited promotional video for TsumeAto is being released starting today!

Please have a look at Yahoo!Animation’s “Jero Special” Corner.

1 = Wikipedia Info

… Damn that trip to Florida. By the time I got back, I had about 5 posts, and the staff at Jeros’ blog kept adding more and more things! >< Soooo… I wound up skipping a few, but they weren't very important things. However, one of them was about the tour, but to not kill my motivation (I still have a HUUUUUGE backlog of words/phrases from Pokemon Gold I need to find example sentences for), I skipped it. I'll try my best to not skip so many next time. Anyways, let's get through some explaining…

Doing these translations is really preparing me for what I think I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. I've been on a forum group called Honyaku for a while. I've noticed how sometimes the people will say they have to research things in order to see how to properly translate it. It never really occurred to me what they were doing until I started doing translations of my own. I've never heard of Chaku-Uta, so of course I had to do some research on it. I'm still not entirely sure of what it is, but it seems to be a download for mobile devices… or something. Lol.

In the second post, I got a little confused by what the portion in red could mean. It kinda makes sense in my head, but seeing the ellipses at the end of both sentences just confused me more. I’m probably going to have to do a little more research regarding how the Japanese use ellipses, but I think I did my best to translate what the staff was trying to get across.

Lucky me, the third post was pretty much just a link. I couldn’t find out how to view the video, but that’s probably because I wasn’t reading/paying attention. -Sigh- And even after all of this, I’m confused: is the PV released or not?? The posts keep claiming it’s out, but pictures on the blog say the 19th. @__@ I’ll.. try to find out and let you all know.

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